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Massage For Children (8 - 12)

This gentle treatment allows children to experience the relaxing effects of a massage – just like a grown up. They generally appear happier after a massage and in a better mood. They tend to be more relaxed, calm, and will often fall asleep during treatment. case studies carried out report the benefits of massage for children include improved  concentration, increased focus and


decreased aggression. Some researchers even report that children who have received massage therapy for a regular period may also show an increased IQ.

Children also have their own exposure to stress which can come from school, family quarrels or even play time with their peers. This stress can cause an imbalance in the immune system and a hormonal imbalance. There is a relationship between stress and the immune system. If stress hormones are chronically elevated, the hormone cortisol will destroy the healthy immune cells which fight off viruses and keep the immune system healthy. If you can reverse that, you not only reduce stress but also reduce the stress hormones, thus allowing the immune system to bounce back and keep the body healthy.

Children can suffer from physical strains in the same way adults do. They endure postural strains every day, either by carrying backpacks to transfer heavy books or by slouching when sitting at school, playing video games or just watching tv. They also participate in physical sport much more frequently these days which can result in muscle strains and sports injuries.  Massage can alleviate their painful muscles and joints, provide increased blood flow to improve circulation, reduce muscle imbalances and provides a soothing environment to reduce anxiety and hyperactivity.

20 minute  Back, Neck & Shoulder Massage   £22

Children ages 15 and under must have a parent or guardian in the treatment room throughout the duration of their treatment.

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