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Hopi Ear Candling

An Ear Candle is a hollow tube made of unbleached cotton that's been coated with natural ingredients such as beeswax and honey. The treatment involves placing an ear candle into the ear canal, each ear being treated separately. As the candle gently burns down it is believed to act like a chimney creating a light vacuum effect. The flicker of the flame also creates vibrations


that massage the eardrum. The herbal vapours from the lit candle also swirl down into the ear canal giving a general calming, relaxing effect.

Hopi Ear Candling also known as thermo-auricular therapy, is not only relaxing and rejuvenating, it’s also helpful for a variety of ear, nose and throat conditions. The treatment is so gentle that it can safely be used on young children as well as adults. As well as having a calming and relaxing effect, It can also be extremely beneficial. Some of the many benefits of ear candling include reduced Irritability and stress, sinus congestion, vertigo, hey fever and glue ear. It can also help to loosen excessive earwax..


Clients often feel a warm and gentle massaging sensation within the ear giving a general calming, relaxing effect. As the candle burns down they say it sounds like a fire softly crackling away which adds to the overall relaxing experience.  A pleasant feeling of warmth from both the candle and the reassurance of the therapist’s touch also makes this a deeply relaxing treatment.


With young children only half a candle would be used with a new candle being used for each ear.

30 minutes  £28   (without facial massage)

45 minutes  £38

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